Glass Privacy Level

Frosted designs and privacy levels

Privacy Options
For each of our etched patterns, you have the option to select from three distinct levels of privacy:

1: Semi-Private (etched background with a clear pattern)

2: Non-Private (etched pattern with a transparent background)

3: Full-Private (on the glass panel's front: etched pattern; on the glass panel's back: entirely etched)

It's essential to understand that the engraving process is consistently applied to the front surface of the glass panel. Glass panels that are entirely engraved without a specific design also undergo engraving on the front surface. In cases where designs are not transparent, the entire rear surface of the glass panel receives additional engraving for enhanced privacy.

Transparency of the glass

It's crucial to understand that frosted glass providing total privacy isn't completely solid. This means that objects closer to the glass will be more visible through it. Therefore, for spaces demanding maximum confidentiality, like bathrooms, we recommend applying a thorough frosting on both the outside and inside surfaces of the glass. However, this method eliminates the option of incorporating any decorative motifs.